

This website does not use cookies. There are no warranties or any granted rights. You are on your own. There are two weather stations here, with some consolidated information. We share data with Citizen Weather Observer Program, which can help avionics navigators.

New Features include:

  • Oregon Scientific WMR-968 Weather Station. [First weather station.]
  • Davis 6163 Wireless Vantage Pro2 Plus with Aspirated Radiation Shield, UV and Solar sensors, Weather Station. [Better accuracy.]
  • AJAX scripts to create virtual real-time data from the weather stations. [Updates in seconds]
  • To see the Gizmos, click the Davis or Oregon names on the menu above.
    • The Gizmo pages will display data in different colors. Green is current update color, White is displayed after the update occurred for 2 minutes, then Yellow is display for up to 5 minutes, then Blue is displayed for up to 10 minutes, then Red is displayed and it stops on Red. If you reload the page it will start all over displaying the colors. It will reload automatically after 60 minutes.
  • If the page is reloaded, the timer will reset to display the above colors in sequence.
    • Some of these values have: rates, [low then high displayed], may [only have high values.] Some are tracked all day, some of these values are only calculations while the Gizmo is running; like the sky clouds height. It can show the clouds raising or lowering.
  • Dew Points are calculated into levels: Ok, Low, Slight, Caution, Extreme, and Danger.
  • Heat Stress is displayed after this value, with no label. These can be Extreme Cold, Uncomfortably Cold, Cool, Warm, Uncomfortably Hot, or Extreme Hot.
  • Barometric pressure displays are: “Steady”, “Slow”, “Fast”.
  • Wind directions are display in 16 directions.
  • Wind Beaufort scales: “Calm”, “Lt air”, “Lt breeze”, “Gntl breeze”, “Mod breeze”, “Frsh breeze”, “Strng breeze”, “Near gale”, “Gale”, “Strong gale”, “Storm”, “Vlnt storm”, “Hurricane”
  • UV display are: None, Low, Medium, High, Very High and Extreme.
  • Cloud cover displays are: “Shallow”, “Patches”, “Low Drifting”, “Blowing”, “Showers”, “Thunderstorm”, “Freezing”, “Partial”, “Drizzle”, “Rain”, “Snow”, “Snow Grains”, “Ice Crystals”, “Ice Pellets”, “Hail”, “Small Hail/Snow”, “Unknown Precipitation”, “Mist”, “Fog”, “Smoke”, “Dust”, “Sand”, “Haze”, “Spray”, “Volcnc Ash”, “Sand Swirls”, “Squalls”, “Funnel Cloud”, “Tornado”, “Sand Storm”, “Dust Storm”.
  • Sky Clouds elevations are shown, the longer the app display is on, it will show clouds going up or down, in elevation.
  • There are 8 Moon phases are displayed. New Moon, Waxing Crescent, First Quarter, Waxing Gibbous, Full Moon, Waning Gibbous, Last Quarter, and Waning Crescent.
  • Graphs, Gauges, NOAA forecast, radar maps, etc.
  • Many values are calculated then converted to names.
  • Lots of history information, is ported to the new server.
  • Daily, monthly, yearly weather, high/lows.
  • There are records for each weather station, Yearly, Monthly and Daily, for the current year, and history of this install..
  • Apps that calculate today’s high/low over the time of tracking weather history, for every year.
  • Around 350 values per weather station.
  • Android app under development and testing. This runs fast than a webpage. This will not work on iPhone.
  • Enhancements as time permits.

This site operates under the GNU General Public License.

Ajax | Gizmos